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Otsego Northern Catskills



Basic Academic Program

Basic Academic Program

Basic Academic Program
Instructor: Donna louch

Grade Levels: 9th - 12th Grades

Age Levels: 14 - 21 Years of Age  

Students are recommended for this program by their district’s Committee on Special Education. 

This program provides academic instruction for students with moderate learning difficulties and/or minimal social/emotional difficulties.  These students are likely to attain the academic, social and/or vocational skills necessary for success, but cannot maintain the pace of a traditional school program.  All students receive Standards-based instruction in ELA, Science, Social Studies, and Math.  The class ratio is 15 students, 1 teacher, and 1 Licensed Teaching Assistant.  Instruction is modified per each student’s Individual Education Plan. 

Secondary students ages 14 - 21 who attend classes at the Occupational Centers in Milford or Grand Gorge have the opportunity to combine this program with Career & Technical Education or Career Pathways.  In so doing, students are provided with the necessary academic and vocational skills necessary to assist them in making a successful transition from a school environment to independent living.   

Counseling and other related services are available to all students per their Individual Education Plan.  All staff are trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention which serves as the basis for their classroom behavior management system.