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Otsego Northern Catskills



LTA List for Managing Student Behavior

LTA List for Managing Student Behavior

LTA generated ideas for managing student behavior.
Things to remember

When things get loud…lower your voice.

Use your TCI training and strategies to keep situations from escalating.  (Time and space are effective strategies.)

Positively reinforce behavior that meets or is close to meeting classroom expectations. (Shaping)

Give positive attention to students who are doing what is expected.  (PBIS tickets @ Occupational Centers)

If a behavior is not dangerous, menacing, or seriously disruptive and is being done for the purpose of attention ignore it and redirect the student in a positive manner to the task at hand. (Planned ignoring-Redirection)

Give choices, it puts the responsibility on the student for deciding (empowers)

Avoid power struggles & arguments, every one loses.  Tell the student the expectation and then give them a minute to think about. (Usually given time to think rather than immediately engaging the student will result in the student making a positive decision.)

Assisting students while the teacher is teaching, using proximity and being a model of expected behavior are all powerful strategies to keep students focused and on track with classroom expectations and achievement.

Expectations should be clear, consistent and stated positively.

When a student breaks a rule, in a calm matter of fact manner, state the child’s behavior, state the expectation and the reason why the rule is important.  (“Johnny when you rock back in your chair it is not safe because you could hit your head and we want you and everyone to be safe.”)

Make sure students are supervised at all times.  (Most inappropriate behavior occurs during times that are not structured or loosely structured.)

Work hard to establish positive, supportive relations with all of the students.  (You might just be the one to make a positive difference in a student’s life!)

Communicate positively with the student

Create opportunities for positive peer attention for the student.

Communication among staff so that a change can be made in a situation, so all are consistent in managing the student's behavior.

Provide opportunities for student to self-monitor behavior.

Humor when positive, non-offensive or sarcastic in nature.

Give students responsibility. (Creates ownership)

Use I statements and positive statements.

Display students work. (Develops a sense of pride.)

Involve students in the behavior process and planning of ways to better handle a situation.

Provide activities they like and use their strengths to build areas where they are having difficulty.

Pick your battles- ask yourself is the behavior that just happened worth the amount of disruption?