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Otsego Northern Catskills



Student Handbook/Violation/Policies

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Student Handbook


The following is a list of specific violations of rules/regulations, which constitute cause for disciplinary action:

     1.  CONFIDENTIALITY       

All information obtained by the nurse/student nurse regarding patient/client information is considered confidential. This information is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Clients have the right to expect that you share information about them only with health care providers who are actively involved in promoting their health. Any breach of confidentiality by a nursing student is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. All students are required to sign a confidentiality form to be placed in their personal file.


A.     The chemically impaired student is someone attending class or clinical and perceived to be under the influence of or having abused alcohol, either separately or in combination with over the counter drugs, illegal drugs, prescribed drugs, inhalants or designer drugs. Abuses of the substance(s) includes episodic misuse or chronic use that produces psychological and/or physical symptoms such as: odor or alcohol, unsteady or staggering gait, rapid or slurred speech, dilated or pinpoint pupils, blood shot eyes, fine motor tremors, difficulty in calculation, inability to follow directions, inability to stay awake and nausea, vomiting and/or sweating or drastic change in demeanor.

B.     Any student who demonstrates the above symptoms that may indicate the use of alcohol or controlled substances will be removed from the classroom or clinical setting immediately.

C.     Students under the influence    of drugs and alcohol or suspected to be under the influence

1.    Will be confronted with the suspicion.

2.    Assistance for getting the student home or in seeking medical assistance will be provided at the student’s expense.      

3.    The student may be refused re-entry by the ONC BOCES PN program to the classroom   and/or clinical area, leading to dismissal from the program.

4.    The student’s unprofessional conduct will be reviewed for disciplinary action.

D.     Any student who discloses a concern about drug or alcohol abuse will be referred to an appropriate agency.


  • The Board of Cooperative Educational Services Sole Supervisory District of Otsego, Delaware, Schoharie, and Greene Counties is committed to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other substance use/abuse. This policy describes the philosophy of the District and the program elements the District will use to promote healthy life-styles for its students and staff and to inhibit the use/abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other substances injurious to health.

    "Illegally using or possessing alcohol or a controlled substance on school property, including having such substance on a person or in a locker, vehicle or personal space; selling or distributing alcohol or a controlled substance, including look-a-likes, and prescription or over-the-counter drugs when possession is unauthorized or such are inappropriately usedor shared with others. A student shall be considered "under the influence" if he or she has consumed an illegal substance or alcohol within a time period reasonably approximate to his/her presence on school property, school bus, in a school vehicle, or at a school-sponsored function."

F.     A student who has been dismissed for a violation of the Substance Abuse Policy may appeal for readmission two years from the date of dismissal, or thereafter. The appeal must be in writing, present a rationale for readmission, be accompanied by two letters of recommendation which indicate that the individual is drug-free or has completed a rehabilitation program, and be sent to the Program Coordinator. An advisory committee will review the appeal within 30 days of receipt, and notify the student of the decision in writing.

        If an appeal is granted, the student will be readmitted to the school under the requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

G.     Individuals who wish to obtain information on drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs may contact The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, 1-301-468-2600. Information and referrals to treatment centers in local communities may be obtained by contacting The National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline 1-800-662-HELP. A list of State Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Coordinators can be obtained by contacting LEAF Council on Alcoholism/Addiction, 80 Water Street Oneonta, NY 13820, 607-432-0090.